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Golden Hour

This look was made for a special outdoor, summer, event in wine country. I looked all over for something I wanted to wear and everything I found was not the right fit for me. I took things into my own hands and created my own look. I had made two other pieces with the knit velvet and fell in love with the fabric! 


The event was a happy hour event and I thought the coloring of the fabric was perfect. Since the piece was for me, I actually draped and fitted the dress as I went along. I also feel styled the design as I went and came up with a shape and proportion as I  was draping the dress. 

In the end it turned out perfect for the event!  

Process Work


Laying out the fabric before I started working. 

Fabric Cutting

Cutting into the fabric to start working. 


Me in the mirror dropping and creating the look of my dress. 

Hand Stitching and Chainwork

Hand stitching and chain work on the dress. 


Dress after the chain work and hand stitching. 


The TikTok I created in the process of making this piece. 

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